Do you know of a Sir Knight or a Lady who has gone beyond the call of duty ?
Then nominate then for awards !
Each year at the CTA Picnic in June, we recognize the "Knight of the Year" and "Lady of the Year".
Past Winners:
SK Jeff Bullock and Lady Reatha - Hanselmann #16 |
SK Samuel Benzinger and Lady Tammy - Cincinnati #3 |
SK Dennis Lynch and Lady Connie - MIami #22 |
Lady Kathleen Mendelssohn - Middletown #71 |
SK Keith O'Dell - Highland #31 |
SK Tim Martin - Calvery #13 |
Lady Grace George = Hamilton #41 |
SK Dale Olson and Lady Diana - Covert #43 |
SK Ron R. Richardson and Lady Sarah - Miami #22 |
SK Ron Meyers and Lady Teanya - MIddletown #71 |
SK Stanley J. Anderson - Trinity #44 |
SK William Shannon and Lady Cheryl - Covert #43 |
SK John Cox and Lady Debbie - Hanselmann #16 |
SK David and Lady Erin Howe - Cincinnati #3 |
SK Brad and Lady Jennifer Weesner. Covert #43 |
Nominations are to be forwarded to the Deputy Division Commander by May 31st, 2022.
Recipients of the prestigious KTCH award are:
SK Jack Price |
SK David W. Slusher |
SK R. Keith O;Dell |
SK John H. Donohoo |
SK Bobby G. George |
SK Robert P. May |
SK Harless H. Maynard |
SK George S. Develen |
SK Richard D. Hall |
SK Richard Smith |
SK Robert E. Carson |
Sir Knight Dave Howe wins Knight of the Year, and Lady Erin Howe wins Lady of the Year.